It has been an exciting start of the year for Brody! He has set a goal to grow his business, which means a lot of learning takes place...
Brody has spent the day becoming a LEGAL company and a REAL small business owner! He learned how to register with the state, obtain tax information, and even opened his own banking account! It has been very exciting and Brody is looking forward to all the new doors this opens for him! He has realized how crucial it was to increase his sales prices with the current inflation we're experiencing and that there are additional costs to cover when becoming an official business.
He asks for patience as we navigate this new way of operating and is so grateful for all of the support he has received in order to make all of this happen!
On another note: his chickens are doing very well! He has an average of about 2 eggs laid per day (which is quite impressive considering the cold weather and shorter days). They have been able to withstand below freezing temperatures and the crazy wind we have had. Keeping their water from freezing has been the most challenging of it all, but so far so good!
A note from Brody's mom: Thank you, truly, for all of the support. Every transaction has helped him be able to maintain his business, boosts his confidence, and encourages him to keep going. He has really enjoyed this experience and as a parent- it is astonishing to see how much he is learning and growing. He wouldn't be able to do it without the support.