An order for supplies that Brody has been waiting for finally arrived, so Brody kicked it into gear and restocked his White Rock (Vanilla) and Sweet Chicken (Lavender-Vanilla) candles! He is getting an even better system down of making larger quantities at a time. He definitely likes using a large pot to melt wax verses using the microwave and is becoming a master at pouring the wax into the tins.
We had some cold days last week and even reached -16 degrees. This makes any chicken owner a little nervous. In preparation for the cold weather, Brody put a fresh layer of woodchips in the coop and gave them all a snack before closing them in for the night to help keep them warm. Thankfully, all the chickens seemed to handle it well. The biggest challenge is keeping their water from freezing!
Brody has really enjoyed making some deliveries and made a trip to the post office to send out two orders of candles. He is also loving the new website set-up and is able to easily update inventory, manage orders, and update tracking numbers all on his own!
It has been awesome seeing his enthusiasm and excitement to complete orders. Can’t thank everyone enough for their support and encouragement!