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  • Jen

Busy Like Bees - March 28, 2021

It's been a very busy weekend and the chickens are changing a lot. The chicken coop is starting to take form and Brody was happy to share a snack with Charlie in it. Brody started painting it and the colors will be revealed soon! That's why some of the pictures are in black and white. Dun, dun, dunnnnnnn!

Thank you everyone for making your purchases of Dry Pancake Mix! Brody went to the store to buy more supplies and will be releasing Dry Cookie Mix in the next few days! He hopes to earn money so he can invest more into his business. He is learning how to use his money wisely and decided to spend most of his money on extra supplies instead of Minecraft, Fortnite, and Nerf Guns.

The chickens are growing so much! They are losing their down feathers , their crowns are starting to grow, and Brody has noticed their raptor-like claws are getting very big. He even "pinky promised" Sparkles he wouldn't keep her out of the bin long for the picture update. The White Rocks are actually turning white and they don't listen very well. The Black Stars are friendlier than the White Rocks and are starting to get their "rustic red" colors showing. DJ, the Buff Polish, is starting to get really nice hair. She still randomly falls asleep and falls face first into the soft and cozy woodchips. ZzzZZzzzzzZZZZzzzz!!

Brody is excited to keep everyone updated and has really enjoyed sharing this experience. Goodbye, for now!

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